The LAME Project

Following the great history of GNU naming, LAME originally stood for Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder (LAME) started life as a GPL'd patch against the dist10 ISO demonstration source, and thus was incapable of producing an mp3 stream or even being compiled by itself. But in May 2000, the last remnants of the ISO source code were replaced, and now LAME is the source code for a fully GPL'd MP3 encoder, with speed and quality to rival all commercial competitors.

LAME is an educational tool to be used for learning about MP3 encoding. The goal of the LAME project is to use the open source model to improve the psycho acoustics, noise shaping and speed of MP3. LAME is not for everyone - it is distributed as source code only and requires the ability to use a C compiler. However, there are some places you can get Lame Encoder as a DLL to be used with other programs.

I have set up a reroute script that will link you to the latest version of Lame Encoder. If this link doesn't work please e-mail me at Every time Lame updates the DLL they change the name on the download file. Therefor I have to update the reroute download script every time Lame updates the DLL. The URL for Lames reroute download script is .

You can find more information about lame at or one of the following URLs below or press the reroute script


